All students in grades First through High School are a part of the Faith Formation program including all adults and youth participating in the RCIA program.

Todos los estudiantes desde Primero hasta High School son parte del Programa de Educación Religiosa y tambien incluye a todos los participantes de RICA.  

Contact: Sofia Martinez/ (770) 448-2028 Ext: 117

Religious Education Registrations

  • Registrations will begin the 1st SUNDAY OF AUGUST, Registrations will continue the whole month and September.
  • All students in grades First grade through High School are a part of the Faith Formation program including all adults and youth participating in the RCIA program.
  • Parents must register their children every year.
  • Please stop by the Church’s office Monday thru Friday from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM to register your child(ren). You can also register them Sunday’s from 9AM to 4PM in the Social Hall.
  • You will need to include your child’s Birth certificate as well as the Baptismal certificate to be able to register your child.
  • If your child is a Catechumen ( has not been Baptized ) all we need besides the application is the Birth certificate.
  • The registration fee is as follows:
  • For one student $ 100.00
  • For two students $ 120.00
  • For 3 students $ 140.00
  • For 4 students $ 160.00
  • The cost for RCIA and RCIC is $ 125.00
  • Online Payment Go online to
  • Scroll down the Home Page to Giving (hand and heart logo) and Click on it.
  • At the top, underneath “St. Patrick’s Catholic Church,” click on “Quick Give.”
  • Under “Gift Information” there is a drop-down box for the Fund; please choose “Religious Education Tuition.”
  • Complete all fields under “Personal Information.”
  • Enter the amount of your payment.
  • Your Method of Payment is either “Bank Account” or Credit Card.”
  • Make sure all fields are complete, except “Intention” box, and hit “Submit.”
  • Take a screenshot when you have successfully made the payment, we need the confirmation number.

Inscripciones para el catecismo

  • Las inscripciones se llevaran acabo el PRIMER DOMINGO DE AGOSTO, y todo el mes y tambien septiembre
  • Todos los estudiantes en primer grado hasta la escuela secundaria son parte del programa de Formación de Fe, incluidos todos los adultos y jóvenes que participan en el programa RCIA.
  • Los padres deben registrar a sus hijos todos los años.
  • Por favor de tarer el certificado de nacimiento de su hijo y el certificado de bautismo para poder registrar a su hijo.
  • Favor de traer copias de acta de nacimiento, certificado de bautismo, SI NO SE TRAEN ESTOS DOCUMENTOS NO PODEMOS REGISTRAR A SU HIJO.
  • Si su hijo es un catecúmeno (no ha sido bautizado), todo lo que necesitamos además de la solicitud es el certificado de nacimiento.
  • El costo de inscription es:
  • Por un estudiante $100.00
  • Por dos estudiantes $ 120.00
  • Por 3 estudiantes $ 140.00
  • Por 4 estudiantes $ 160.00
  • El costo por RCIA y RICA es de $ 100.00 por estudiante.
  • Pago en línea Vaya en línea a
  • Desplácese hacia abajo en la página de inicio para dar (logotipo de la mano y el corazón) y haga clic en él.
  • En la parte superior, debajo de “St. Patrick’s Catholic Church “, haga clic en” Quick Give “.
  • En “Información sobre regalos” hay un cuadro desplegable para el Fondo; elija “Matrícula de educación religiosa”.
  • Complete todos los campos en “Información personal”.
  • Ingrese el monto de su pago.
  • Su método de pago es “Cuenta bancaria” o Tarjeta de crédito “.
  • Asegúrese de que todos los campos estén completos, excepto el cuadro “Intención”, y presione “Enviar”.

First Reconciliation and First Eucharist

Preparation of children for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist is offered in a separate preparation program in addition to weekly classes. A key part of the preparation process is designed to help parents grow in their own understanding and appreciation of the sacraments and to assist them as they pass along their faith, beliefs, and values to their children. Parent participation is mandatory.

Eligible candidates must be registered active members of the parish and should:

  • Be in second grade or above
  • Weekly participation in Sunday Mass is a MUST
  • Participate and maintain satisfactory attendance in weekly classes or be a Catholic school student
  • Have satisfactorily completed TWO FULL YEARS of faith formation instruction in a formal faith formation program in the year prior to beginning sacramental preparation. New parishioners must submit transfer records upon registration.

The Sacraments


Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as children of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in its mission. 


In order to help the parents prepare for Baptism, and to help the infants to grow in faith as they grow in age, the Church has certain requirements for Baptism.  Each child should have one, or more frequently two, godparents.  If there are two godparents, one should be a man and the other a woman.  The godparents’ role is to help the child’s parents in their task of teaching the Catholic faith to their children.  Because their task is to model the Christian life for the baptized child, it is necessary that each godparent be someone who is a confirmed adult Catholic who lives and practices his faith6.  They may be married or single, but may not be married outside the Catholic Church.  Non-Catholic Christians can be present as a Christian witness, but because they are not prepared to share the fullness of the Catholic faith, cannot serve as godparents.  Parishes may establish other requirements for the reception of Baptism, often requiring a preparation class7 for the parents or godparents, but these requirements are not intended to prevent anyone from receiving the sacrament, and should be adjusted in special cases8.

Holy Communion


Because Holy Communion is one of the most precious things that Jesus has given to us, it is important to prepare ourselves properly before receiving. In the Roman Catholic Church, once a child is old enough to understand that the Eucharist is the gift of Jesus’ own life, he receives careful preparation so that he may receive his First Holy Communion. In addition to learning the truths about the Eucharist, the child prepares himself spiritually, receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation, so that he might receive Holy Communion with a pure heart.

For adults, too, careful preparation is necessary before receiving Holy Communion. Because Holy Communion is a sign of unity with the Catholic Church, one should only receive Holy Communion if he believes what the Catholic Church teaches, and is living as a member of the Church, following the way of life that she sets out for her children. If one is conscious of serious sin, he should receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation before approaching Holy Communion.


Holy Communion is a great mystery, to be approached with reverence and awe. On the feast of Corpus Christi, the Church sings that Holy Communion brings “life to these, to those damnation / see how like participation / is with unlike issues rife.”2 This hymn draws its inspiration from the Holy Bible, where Saint Paul writes, “anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself.”3 Holy Communion is a great spiritual gift, but it also requires great respect.

The most important preparation is spiritual. Many Catholics choose to take some time for private prayer before mass to prepare for Holy Communion. In order to receive Holy Communion worthily, individuals with serious sins first need to receive forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Confession is also a valuable preparation for those with lesser sins, and most parishes provide it at a convenient time for those who desire to receive Holy Communion at Sunday Mass.

The Church offers various aids to help Catholics prepare themselves for Holy Communion. She requires a fast of at least one hour before receiving Communion. 4 This fast includes all food and drink except for water and medicine, but it does not apply to the ill or elderly. Some Catholics find it helpful to fast for a longer time, even from the night before, in order to be better prepared for Holy Communion. Time spent praying in thanksgiving after receiving Holy Communion is also well rewarded.


There are many individuals who will not be able to receive Holy Communion at any given mass. These include children who have not yet made their First Holy Communion, non-Catholics who may be in the congregation, those who have not made the necessary fast before mass, and individuals who are in a state of sin, including those who are living in irregular marital situations.

While the worthy reception of Holy Communion is a great gift, it is not necessary for a Catholic to receive Holy Communion at every mass. Participation in the mass gives glory to God and can be of great spiritual value even when one does not receive Holy Communion. Those who do not receive Holy Communion can join with the whole community in prayer, asking God’s blessing upon themselves and upon the whole world.

At times it may be painful not to be able to receive Holy Communion. For Catholics, this may serve as an invitation to speak with a priest who can help them return to full communion. For non-catholics, it can be an inspiration to pray for greater union among Christians. The Catholic Church invites all people to communion, but full communion means a choice to embrace the teachings and way of life that the Church has received from Christ and continues to propose to the people of today.

Each time we receive Holy Communion well, we not only receive the Body of Christ, but become more deeply united to Christ in His Body, the Church. This great gift calls for great preparation, and invites us to give the rest of our lives to Jesus, as well.

Scholarship Application

Calendar of Holy Days of Obligation and Major Liturgical Feasts in Archdiocese of Atlanta

Confirmation Program

The Confirmation preparation program is for students in high school.

Enrollment into the Confirmation Preparation program may occur once students have satisfactorily completed at least two year of Religious Education. New parishioners should submit transfer records upon registration.

Students must continue to participate in the Life Teen program or Catholic High School during the school year of their Confirmation preparation.

Eligible candidates must be registered and active members of the parish who participate in weekly Sunday Liturgy.

Contact: Sofia Martinez – Director of Religious Education (770) 448-2028 Ext: 117

Archdiocesan Confirmation Standards. C.

Archdiocesan Confirmation Standards.

C. Confirmation (10th Grade Norm) • Foundational Preparation Youth ordinarily should have attended a Catholic school, a parish religious education program, or a home school religious education program for at least two years before enrollment in the free-standing parish Confirmation formation program.

The Pastor is responsible for seeing that youth are properly prepared by examining them on the teaching they have received and the knowledge they have acquired. Compiled Policies no. 2.2(a); 1983 CIC c. 889.2.

The free-standing, parish-conducted Confirmation formation program must be distinguished from the ordinarily required two year prerequisite foundational religious education program.

The parish Confirmation formation program should also be of brief duration and intensely focused on the nature, effects, gifts, and fruits of the Sacrament of Confirmation as they are discussed in the Catechism.

Specific Preparation “[R]reception of Confirmation is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace [and] recipients of the Sacrament ‘are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. Hence they are, as true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed,’” Catechism no. 1285, 1303, 1830. “The faithful are obliged to receive this sacrament at the proper time,” 1983 CIC c. 890.

Normas Arquidiocesana para la Confirmación

C. Confirmación (norma del 10mo grado) • Preparación en los fundamentos Generalmente los jóvenes deben haber asistido a una escuela católica, a un programa parroquial de educación religiosa o un programa de educación religiosa en el hogar por lo menos durante dos años antes de inscribirse en un programa parroquial independiente de la formación para la Confirmación.

El párroco es responsable de asegurar que los jóvenes estén correctamente preparados; debe interrogarlos sobre la enseñanza que han recibo y el conocimiento que tienen. Normas Compiladas no. 2.2(a); 1983 CDC c. 889.2.

El programa independiente de formación para la Confirmación conducido por la parroquia debe distinguirse del programa de educación religiosa básico de dos años de duración que generalmente se exige como requisito previo.

Confirmación debe realizarse independientemente del programa de educación religiosa en curso (el cual debería continuar durante el año académico, ya sea en una escuela católica, en un programa parroquial de educación religiosa o en un programa para el hogar). El programa 17 parroquial de formación para la Confirmación debe ser además de corta duración y fuertemente concentrado en la naturaleza, los efectos, los dones y los frutos del sacramento de la Confirmación de la forma en que el Catecismo aborda estos temas.

Preparación específica “Es necesario recibir la Confirmación para completar la gracia bautismal, [y] los que reciben el sacramento ‘están ligados a la Iglesia de forma más verdadera y se encuentran enriquecidos con una fortaleza especial del Espíritu Santo. Por lo tanto, como verdaderos testigos de Cristo, están más estrictamente obligados a divulgar y defender la fe con palabra y obra,’” Catecismo no. 1285, 1303, 1830. “Los fieles tienen la obligación de recibir este sacramento en el momento oportuno,” CIC, 1983, c. 890.

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